Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yeast Infections Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention

Yeast Infections Symptoms, Treatments and Prevention

Yeast (Scientific name: Candida Also called as Thrush) infection can be very painful and dangerous. It is caused by microorganisms that are similar to fungus. It is present on our body and grows in the moist areas like mouth, intestinal tract, finger nail, toes, scalp, vagina, groin, anus and penis etc.

It is one of the most common infections in both Women and men. I have read somewhere that almost 18 million people (men & Women) suffer from some form of Yeast Infection, the scientist also claim that 75% of the women will have Yeast Infection at least once in her lifetime.

What are the symptoms of a Yeast infection?

Most Common Symptoms are
  • Uncontrollable itching and a burning sensation in the infected area
  • Painful urination and sex
  • Cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge - often with a strong odor
  • Back pain (sometimes throughout the body)
In chronic cases there can also be:
  • Severe swelling of the vagina
  • Painful cracks in the skin due to extreme dryness
  • General tiredness and fatigue
Other symptoms include:
- Yeast infection of the mouth and throat (oral thrush). This is likely to be red with a white coating and may cause pain when eating and swallowing
- A red and itchy skin rash - particularly in the folds of the skin. This may have slightly raised edges
- Damaged, discolored, thickened or broken nails is also an indication of possible yeast infection
- Diaper rash not cured by usual diaper rash creams is an indication of yeast infection. The rash may be itchy and painful with raised edges

Yeast Infection Treatments

Rest assured that the Yeast Infection can be completely cured and stopped from recurring. There are some Natural Treatments available which may take a little longer and some quick fixes use modern Medicines. I will cover all of them in the next article of this series. But Before I leave today, I would like to post the most effective and recommended solution for Yeast Infraction Cure.

Please Click here for details